Paint.NET 4.0.5
Paint.NET 4.0.5 - Every feature and graphical user interface
element was made to be immediately user-friendly and quickly learnable with no
assistance. In order to handle multiple images quickly - Paint.NET 4.0.5 uses a
tabbed document user interface. The tabs exhibit a live thumbnail of the image
instead of the text description and this makes navigation very simple and fast.
Usually only entirely on expensive or difficult professional
software, The layers form the basis for a rich image composition experience. You
may visualize them as a stack of transparency slides that, when viewed together
concurrently, form one impression.
Many special results are included with regard to enhancing
and refining your images. Everything from blurring, red-eye elimination, sharpening, noise, distortion, in addition to embossing are involved. Also
included will be our unique 3d images Rotate/Zoom effect that makes it very
easy to provide perspective and slanting.
Adjustments are also included and help you tweak a image's
brightness, compare, curves, saturation, hue and levels. You can also convert
an image to black and white or sepia-toned.