Google Chrome
Google Chrome 41.0.2272.3 Free Download - Google’s game
changing browser Chrome combines sophisticated technology with a simple UI, Google Chrome quickly dominated the browser market to be the most used browser
globally within 4 years of the public release and google’s rapid and continuous
development cycle ensures the browser continues to compete with the other
hottest and advanced web browsers available.
Perhaps the area Google invested the majority of its
development time to distinguish from other browsers - Google Chrome 41.0.2272.3 launches
extremely quickly from a desktop - runs applications at speed due to a powerful
JavaScript engine and loads pages rapidly using the WebKit open source
rendering powerplant and add to this quicker search and navigation options in the
simplified UI and you've got a browser that is pretty difficult to beat on
Google aimed at trimming down unnecessary toolbar space to
increase browsing real estate. The browser
Google Chrome 41.0 consist of 3 rows
of tools - the most notable layer horizontally stacks automatically adjusting
tabs - next to a simple new tabs icon and the standard minimize, expand &
near windows controls and the middle row includes 3 navigation controls, a URL box which likewise allows direct Google web
searching and also a star bookmarking icon. Extensions and browser settings
icons fall into line to the right of the URL box. The third row consist of
bookmark folders and installed applications. Easily overlooked now, this clean
UI was a new breath of fresh air when compared to the overcrowded toolbars of
popular internet browsers pre-2008.
Another hugely popular attribute, Incognito mode allows you
to help browse privately by disabling history recording - reducing traceable
breadcrumbs as well as removing tracking cookies on shutdown - Chrome’s Sandboxing prevents malware automatically
installing on your desktop or affecting other browser tab. The browser also has Safe
Browsing technology inbuilt with malware and phishing protection that warns you
when you encounter a website suspected of containing malicious